Thd Birthday Candle

So this year, this very day marks my 7th anniversary as a MS-er. Well, trust me, I never grew up thinking that one day I would write about myself, or as matter of fact write about anything. I am not particularly good at writing, a big no no!!

I get all my posts checked by my husband. He helps me with the grammatical errors.(hehehee, I am not proud of it), but I am getting better. I write what I feel from the heart.I don't write because I think I am special.

 So then, why do I write??   "Through writing, we can give expression to our thoughts. Those writings can become an enduring treasure, conveying our thoughts to others who read them" Daisaku Ikeda

When I was diagnosed with MS I never knew what it was..or anything like this existed. But when I got it I also didn't know..i would be able to take it so bravely (am I  bragging, Yes) I thought I would be a coward, I thought I would freak out so badly after knowing I have an incurable disease. But I somehow, managed it quite well ( Pat on the back). That's thanks to my family & friends  who  stands with me through it all, and my Dearest Husband, ' My Rock.'

I might not be good with alot of things, but I know I am good in helping people, caring for them, supporting and being there when they needed a caring shoulder or a hand to hold. So I write to help. I don't know whether am I a lantern, but I am sure that I am that small little birthday candle on a yummy fudgy cake. Even though it lights only for a while, it does give a ray of hope for that moment.

And I hope one day, when my son grows old enough to understand all of this....he will say that he is proud to be my Son, for his mother never gave up.

So till then I will keep strong, keep healthy, keep praying, keep fighting and keep helping.

Happy 7th. 

P.S -  I am grateful for everything, even for MS for I am what i am today because of MS and I like that ME.


  1. It is truly beautiful..the way you look at life now..the way you have moulded your troubles to be your teacher and the way you share your learnings with us.A candle on the cake can ignite a thousand wishes..just how the sharing of your experiences can touch and heal a thousand lives..keep sharing.
    Much love always <3


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